Hello! My name is Peter Durzynski

And I work hard to make internet awesome

Hello! My name is Peter Durzynski

And I work hard to make internet awesome

MY NAME IS Peter Durzynski and I’m a Technical Project Manager. I have a passion for simple interfaces, web design , web development and animation. I also love 3D modeling and playing with visual effects. Like all Polish people I live off pierogi, beer & coffee!

I’ve always tried to be involved in technology. Being good at IT, I graduated and worked as Intern at Havas before learning web development.

I am currently working at Trillium London as a Technical Project Manager. If you want, you can view my LinkedIn profile.

If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hello, you can contact me at p.durzynski@gmail.com.

I traveled a very atypical path, both personally and professionally. I was born in Poland and raised in 2 different countries. I speak English and Polish fluently. I have been good with computer and science since my childhood. As a student I have studied and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Computer Animation. Since then, I have been working as a developer from October, 2013.

More about my skills and experience can be find here

“ When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. ”

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX


Team Lead, Project Manger, CRM & CMS integrations,UX, Strategy & Personalisation

Currently working at Trillium where I help clients on the digital transformation journey.

At Trillium I am responsible for delivery of integration, website, CRM and SSO projects to the customers. On a daily basis I Use JIRA , MS Projects, Tempo, Dynamics, Sitecore and Umbraco in order to complete my daily tasks.

Trillium give me great experience running complex and lengthy projects that could last up to three years. Most of the time project team was dynamic and changing depending on the need and the time of the project so you had to be always on top of specific per members tasks to ensure none are missed. Teams varied with the projects and could start from just three people to around twenty five members. Project usually would start with discovery follow up with documentation and development after.

The projects at Trillium were running either a mix of Waterfall and Agile or Agile(however not all the ceremonies and steps were performed). More about my skills and experience can be found here

“ You can focus on things that are barriers or you can focus on scaling the wall or redefining the problem. ”

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple


Coding, Project Management , Agile , Planning , Creative thinking, Team work

Description of Codehouse role in short sentence ?

I was a technical PM working on number of website with the team at Codehouse. On daily basis I Used JIRA for ticket and project managment, GEMINI for support, also supported clients with some HTML , CSS , Java , Photoshop and many more in order to complete my daily tasks and projects. More about my skills and experience can be find here

“ Good design is as little design as possible. ”

Dieter Rams, Head of Design at Braun


Coding , Designing , Animating , Producing , Creative thinking, Team-working

For 3 years I was a interactive developer at Havas working on number of website ,banners ,emails with my Havas family. On daily basis I Use HTML , CSS , Java , GreenSock, Photoshop, Frameworks, Flash, Python 2.7(Django 1.5 – 1.8) and many more in order to complete my daily tasks.

Working in the Digital Agency

From the moment I arrived to till my last day at Havas was always interesting one way or another. As a fresher (and Graduate) to the industry, Havas London thought me how to think, work and walk. The most I like from the agency environment is teamwork, compassion, determination and friendship.


Hello ! It's me ! In Thailand , Phuget.
I am a project manager that lives, thrives and work in London